DojoFest 2024 @ SCBS

The school hall was filled with excitement last Friday for the first ever SCBS DojoFest. The DojoFest is a our school’s showcase of all the incredible work that has been done in the afterschool CoderDojo club by the boys and girls of 5th and 6th class. This year the DojoFest consisted of 5 zones of Coding. The main event was the ‘Play Test’ zone. Here, the boys and girls of 5th and 6th class showed off their Scratch-based video games built during CoderDojo. This was the second outing for these games, as most of them featured in the DCU Coolest Projects competition earlier this year. Parents, teachers and children from all of the other classes in the school came to visit and judge the games. 

In the other zones, there were lots of Coding activities for visitors to try out. Our wonderful helpers from Viasat dropped by with some cool remote control robots for us to play with in the Robo City zone. In Botville, young and old got to try out some Bluebot maze challenges. Down by Code Lane, children got to try out some of the Hour of Code challenges on the Chromebooks and in the Lego City zone 5th class showcased some of their LEGO Spike pieces of work. 

Overall, the event was a huge success! A massive thank you to our friends in Viasat for helping to run the event and a huge thank you to all the parents who popped by in the morning time.

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